GRFP 2022 Terms and Conditions
FAMILY DISCOUNT: Additional Family Members on separate packages will receive a 10% discount on each package. Family members are allowed to share packages, but the discount does not then apply.
REFERRALS: As a small business, we relay on your referrals. For every referral (who purchases) YOU will receive a $25 credit to your account for future purchases. The person being referred must mention your name in order to get the credit.
REVIEWS: We reward for positive reviews! For every review you make (1 per social media site) we will give you $10 towards your account rewards. You must email us a screen shot of the review to get the reward.
• CREDIT CARDS: We except all major credit cards
• CASH:Weoffera5%discountforallcashpayments,ifanotherdiscounthasnotbeenapplied.
We ask that all payments be made promptly. Thank you.
Cancellation Policies These policies are in place in place to enforce your commitment to your goals, keep our classes full and to protect our trainers income. If you should need to cancel, for any reason (barring birth and death), you are required to cancel within the prescribed time frame or you will be charged a $15 late cancellation fee for group classes or you lose your session for private training, and we are not required to find or offer a makeup. However, for a sick late cancel we can extend one makeup per package in a class lesser than your current class. Private sessions can be made up in a class. Private Training: 24 Hours before your session Group Training: 5pm the evening before
Package Expiration Dates
Please be mindful that when you are committing to a program, you are committing to finishing it by a prescribed time. All packages have a built in extension to accommodate any sessions missed within the package’s time limit. Packages will no longer be extended beyond the expiration date. You will receive email reminders informing you that it is time to schedule makeups should you need to. We will be as accommodating as possible to do all that we can on our end, to complete your package before the expiration date.
*Packages will be put on hold and or extended for medical reasons only, and require a Drs. note*
We are not required to hold your spot should you be late without notifying us. If we have a walk in or a wait list they will assume your spot at the start of class. Class participants should always be on time. Those who come late create a disruption to the ongoing program, the other class participants and the trainer. As well as missing the warm-up, which dramatically increases your risk of potential injury. As the warm weather approaches classes can be taken outside and we may not be here. *Private clients are expected to adhere to this policy as well. If we have not heard from you, by half way into the session, we will assume you are not coming and you will be considered a late cancel. however, you will not be turned away, if there has been ongoing communication regarding your reasoning for being late.*
In an effort to provide the cleanest environment we ask that if you are sick please stay home. We know many of you would really like not to be sick and hope that working out will kick the cold out of you. This is not the place to attempt such a thing. If you feel you may be coming down with something but are not sure let us know and we can put you down as a tentative. This way if we have a waiting list we can fill the spot after giving you the right of first refusal.
Inclement Weather
We ask that you bring a change of shoes if the roads are anything but dry. This policy is to ensure a safe (non- slippery) and clean environment. You are more then welcome to leave a change of shoes at the studio, if it’s too difficult to carry a pair. If you do not have a change of shoes you may be asked to perform the class in your bare feet. Please treat the studio as you would your own home.
Thank you,